"Will Carroll" is a sportswriter specializing in the coverage of medical issues, including injuries and performance-enhancing drugs. He currently writes about sports injuries for Bleacher Report. Carroll's "Under the Knife" column appeared on Baseball Prospectus for eight years during his stint there as a senior writer, and he also contributed to the site's radio efforts as well as the Puck Prospectus spin-off site. He is the author of two books on sports-related medical topics.

Carroll was a member of the Baseball Writers Association of America and the Pro Football Writers Association.

In 2014, he was given a MORE Award by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons for his story on Dr. Frank Jobe published in Bleacher Report in 2013.

More Will Carroll on Wikipedia.

The Juice: The Real Story of Baseball's Drug Problems.

We thought this season was coming down to the fact that (Curt) Schilling was taking on Johnson, (as the leaders of their staffs).

Not only is he a lefty, not only is he a Red Sox killer, but when it comes down to it, has there ever been a point when you've wanted Schilling over Johnson?

I'll just say that any move on amphetamines is a positive one.

(Baseball) obviously set up the schedule this year so that divisional rivals would play each other late in the season, ... which is phenomenal for the fans. But when you have to face the East, it's tough.