This case is an excellent vehicle for developing the law in this area, ... race-neutral alternatives.

The rating on its face is inexplicable in that a substantial majority of the committee found him 'well qualified' yet a minority somehow found him 'not qualified,' ... The ABA has an obligation to be forthright and explain this decision.

From a matter of congressional investigations, it is a much more manageable railroad for him to run, especially given the time and political constraints he is under.

This is what members of the media, members of the Washington policy community, lobbyists and members of congressional staffs do perhaps hundreds of times a day.

In some ways, Chief Justice Roberts is more open. He has a more welcoming countenance. He's younger. He smiles more.

Very rarely do obstruction of justice cases and perjury cases come as neatly tied as Martha Stewart's ... it is by no means a slam dunk.

The conservative movement has a healthy skepticism of governmental power, but at times, unfortunately, that healthy skepticism needs to yield.