"Vednita Carter" is an influential human trafficking/abolitionist who opposes prostitution as Exploitation/exploitative. She lives in Twin Cities, Minnesota, United States. She is an African American and was a stripper before becoming an Activism/activist. In 1996, she founded Breaking Free (organization)/Breaking Free, an organization that aids girls and women in exiting prostitution. She subsequently became this organization's executive director. Rachel Lloyd, an abolitionist who was previously a human trafficking victim in the sex industry, considers Carter a role model, saying that Carter inspired her to found her own List of organizations opposing human trafficking/organization to oppose human trafficking.

More Vednita Carter on Wikipedia.

I don't know if we'll find anyone like him.

You can understand the measure, the impact of this man, when the people he arrested are calling to express their sorrow. He understood the difference between prostitution and prostituted women. I don't think there will be another like him.