[Bush's promise to name conservatives justices,] more than perhaps any other, charged me and millions of other values voters across the land to vote for Mr. Bush, ... presents the most important opportunity we may have for decades to stop the nation's courts from stripping away our Judeo- Christian heritage.

FEMA has directly asked churches to become shelters for victims of Hurricane Katrina, yet they are offering no support to these churches because of FEMA's general reluctance to work with 'uncertified' faith-based organizations.

The court has become increasingly hostile to Christianity and it poses a greater threat to representative government more than anything, more than budget deficits, more than terrorist groups.

Let me speak as a veteran of the Marine Corps who has been supportive of the military action taken in Iraq. The idea has been to deliver the people from a [repressive] regime ... I think there are some who would question if we leave in place a structure that is less than sufficient in guaranteeing the freedom of the Iraqi people. There are those who view that as less than successful.

We saw in the 1980s the Reagan Revolution break the grip of liberalism on the country. We saw in the 1990s a conservative resurgence in Congress that broke the liberalism there. Now we stand with the opportunity to see the Supreme Court righted.

This is about one of those moments in history we don't want to miss. We want to get it right, ... Justice Sunday II: God Save the United States and The Honorable Court.

I have a lot of respect for Senator Frist. We disagree with him on one issue, but it's a big issue. . . . I would not write him off; I would just say it will be very difficult to get support from the pro-life community. This is a big issue to disagree on, [but] it certainly does not end our friendship.

We do not claim the right to speak for everyone, but we do claim the right to speak. And speak we will to the millions of Americans who share our values. Our voice is just as legitimate as the voice of others.

About how the courts have steadily chiseled away at religious foundations of the country for the past 40 years.