"Todd R. Wagner" co-founded Broadcast.com and now co-owns 2929 Entertainment with Mark Cuban, along with other entertainment properties and has also founded the Todd Wagner Foundation.

More Todd Wagner on Wikipedia.

We think we can lower the cost, increase the revenue and realize that the customers are in charge.

Steven's A-list credibility has made the community take us more seriously, has accelerated the process and brought it into the open. Steven will help. Writing checks for 'Enron' will help.

In this world, people don't want to wait.

The Internet started in a silent-movie phase -- a text-oriented Internet. But now it's moving. We look at ourselves as that portal that people come to for streaming audio or video programming.

[Ultimately, though, Cuban and Wagner are betting that offering multiple formats won't cut into any single format's sales, because they appeal to different audiences.] Our argument is that people want to go to the movie theaters because they want to go to the movie theater, ... It's not about seeing it just because it's not at home. I have food at home, too, but I still go to restaurants.

We've got a business model in place that works in today's market. The ability to reach people in the office, the ability to reach the daytime in-office part has never been done before.

We want the exhibitors to be a part of this because they should be and from my perspective, they always should have been.

Landmark has always had a tremendous commitment to promoting independent film. Having Mercury as such an important and strategic ally in our continued efforts will immediately create opportunities essential to the continued growth and success of independent film.

'Bubble' is just the beginning. It's a process of learning the best way to package and integrate and market movies so consumers can buy a DVD in a theater or Best Buy or go to the theater or do both.