It one of those things where you are learning as you are doing, ... It's a lot of work, but it's a lot of active work.

He was down in Pennsylvania avoiding us, ... He was staying in a Salvation Army.

The students see something that they find extremely exciting, something really interesting and they design a hypothesis around that observation. ... Then they design an experiment and write up the experiment.

What we're trying to do is get the students of ISU some experience out in the field and let them observe a number of different ecosystems. ... They get a scientific experience, a cultural experience, and for lack of a better word, a personal experience.

This course is for people who are interested in the outdoors, behavior, natural history, cultural - these are the people that are going to like this.

I've got a little girl here who's amazingly depressed at times because it seems nobody wants her.

(Hewitt's) father used to be the caretaker for the guy who owned the bison ranch, ... The businessman was closing it up, and (Hewitt) became upset with him.

He stole all the stuff out of there.

We are basically out on the boat all day.