Simon Deng
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"Simon Aban Deng" is a Sudanese human rights activist living in the United States. He is a victim of child slavery. A native of the Shilluk people/Shilluk Kingdom in southern Sudan, Deng spent several years as a domestic slave in southern Sudan.

More Simon Deng on Wikipedia.

I'm not by myself. They are behind me.

Usually, a donkey brings the water, but since the family had a slave, it was my job. Even if I finished everything they asked me to do, [the family] would let other people borrow me.

Slavery still exists today. I am standing before you as living proof. As a slave, I didn't know how to say no, I only knew how to say yes. I was beaten if I didn't say yes loudly enough; I was beaten for no reason at all.

I come from a country in which human beings are still being bought and sold into slavery.

The people who will walk to Washington, D.C., are here to tell the world about courage, a word the United Nations has been unable to pronounce.

I find it difficult to be silent. Either I have to go out and tell the world, or stay and take arms against my government.

I was constantly under terror. I'm here as living proof of slavery.

The word 'genocide' has become too repeated and become another line people use to talk the talk. The U.S. should not follow the failure of the UN.

I'm doing this from my heart. My people run for their lives, and they don't train to do so.