I have a little bit of optimism, mostly hope. I don't want to go backward, I know that.

If Tuesday works out, we'll come back Wednesday. If we don't make any progress and people decide to backtrack on ideas, there won't be a Wednesday meeting. I don't even want to fathom to think (what would happen) if it falls through.

I'm very disappointed. I thought from some of the talks we had earlier in the month we'd get something accomplished. We've been led on, a little bit, to believe we were going to get a settlement and we didn't.

We were probably at about 35 percent across the district. I'm not real sure why the district picked these days to have school.

I do honestly feel that we had a favorable meeting Feb. 1. We still have a lot of work to do. We are by no means finished, but I keep my fingers and toes crossed we can continue to make progress.

I think the ideas we threw back and forth seemed positive.

I told all the teachers to come down, and any members of the community that want to. A teacher mentioned (the idea of a rally) to me. I thought it would be a good idea. It just kind of spontaneously happened. Some parents have helped to organize it as well.

I always go in open-minded, hope for the best and prepare for the worst.

We're expecting a contract (today). The association has pretty much made their point to me, they want this resolved (today) or there could be another work stoppage.