Sharan Burrow
FameRank: 3

"Sharan Burrow" is the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and a former President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) (2000–2010). She is the first woman to become General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation/ITUC since its foundation in 2006, and was the second woman to become President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions/ACTU.

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We live in a world where workplaces have been dominated by men, for men of another era.

What we do is look at the bottom line and what it will cost business - the truth is (it) doesn't cost business.

(Australian Foreign Minister Alexander) Downer must now do everything in his power to end the increasingly violent situation in Fiji, including the use of trade sanctions.

No employer who seeks to exploit people, who seeks to use John Howard's laws to cut take-home pay and conditions will be without attention.

If penalty rates are attacked then working families will still (find it) even harder to pay their bills.

The work is there today and it will be there tomorrow for independent contractors.

(We need) a broad-ranging inquiry, one that travels around the country, so that working people can talk to the senators about what it means for them.

Such reckless and partisan intervention in domestic policy debates outside the fund's areas of core expertise can only damage the IMF.