No rocks or any other biological objects can be brought back (from Antarctica). They did have a small commissary there where I could buy things like T-shirts.

When I was there it was actually warmer than it was here. At that time there was a cold spell here and the temperature was in the teens. In Antarctica it was between 20 and 40 degrees.

Cosmic rays are interstellar travelers. People always want to travel to the stars and what's so incredible about these rays is that it's like the stars are coming to us.

The balloon goes around in a circle. One revolution takes 10 to 15 days, and after that time you can choose if you want to take it back down yet. If it falls by accident nobody gets hurt because there's nothing there.

That was my first time in Antarctica. And I'm probably going to have the opportunity to go back in a couple years for the same type of experiment.