"Russell Earl Kelly" is an American Christian theologian, apologist, author, speaker and blogger. He is preacher at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Washington, Georgia. He writes nonfictional theological books. Russell is best known for evangelizing and debating why Tithe/tithing 10% to one's church is not a Christian obligation. His conclusion places him in company with Christian leaders including John F. MacArthur, J. Vernon McGee and C. I. Scofield.

Kelly has been the subject to media coverage including participating in a live 90 minute tithing debate in London on Revelation TV. On November 23, 2007, the Wall Street Journal published an article by Suzanne Sataline, The Backlash Against Tithing, for which Kelly was a major contributor. On March 2, 2008 Russell was featured on the CBS Sunday Morning news cover story, To Tithe or Not to Tithe. He was subsequently mentioned in Charisma magazine/Charisma Magazine online.

More Russell Kelly on Wikipedia.

It appears that they are just laborers, nonskilled laborers.

I didn't recognize a single company. That's why I don't remember the names. None of them were local companies.