If they trust you and don't think they're talking to a reporter, they'll sell you anything. Anyone can go to a gray market and buy anything on anyone.

For the longest time, people have said it's the consumers' fault. They don't shred their bank statements at home, or what have you. But since the California law was passed now we are learning how much of this information has been breached and is floating around out there.

These buyers and their thirst for the information contained in detailed phone billing records resulted in the market and the cash flow that fed and encouraged the online sale of phone records.

Wetlands laws, both state and local, protect the lands from flooding, from pollution and they protect the wildlife and the drinking water supply. With the increased priority Andover citizens have for natural areas and open space, I'd be surprised if they vote to repeal (the bylaw).

And so there I am on the A&E channel's program about serial killers, wearing a gray (uniform) shirt.

We probably get an average of two shoplifting calls a day from Wal-Mart. But we want to do more than respond. We want to be proactive.

The sizes of homes keep getting bigger and bigger. We are looking for ways to control the size.