I'm not worried at all. There's a very good, diverse balance of films this summer. Long term, I'm a bit more worried.

If you've got the choice between taking the kids out, getting a babysitter, and paying $50 for a movie or paying $3 for a rental or maybe $20 to buy the movie on DVD, why would you rush out to a theater?

It will have a big effect in the U.S. as well as the Far East, because you are going to be seeing a lot more films with international flavor, instead of geared toward the U.S. and European markets.

Petrified of television. They thought it was going to be the end of their industry.

Phantom Menace, ... disprove the theory that a Memorial Day release is the save-all of the industry.

I get up in front of audiences and do a drawing. Some days I give away t-shirts. Usually it's $20 cash.

It's more than a gold mine - it's an untapped diamond mine. China is by far the most lucrative frontier for the American film market. Once they open the floodgates, the potential and the growth that we will be seeing in the film business will be enormous.

With some surefire hits in November and December, the slump will be forgotten.