This is a family friendly event. We tried to make sure the entertainment was just a variety of things.

It's hard to deal with when you're an adult.

We hope to have 35. We'd certainly like to have more than that.

We tried to reach all the churches in the county and everyone on the committee and on teams made sure that as many people and churches as possible know about Cancer Sunday. Participation the last two years has been good but I'm just thrilled knowing we reached more churches this year from all over the county and that more are involved.

That is just something I really want.

I felt like the hope that I have (to survive cancer) will go all the way to heaven.

It's going to be an awesome night. If you've never been to a Relay come out and receive a wonderful blessing. It will be a wonderful family-oriented night with something for everyone.

It'd be great to have Tallapoosa County represented at Washington. That's something I'd really love for us to be able to do.

It just makes me want to bounce knowing that there are so many people for Relay for Life.