So what we're working on with these models is individual forecasts of particular storms. That would be what we're really pressed to look at now.

This prediction, if it's accurate, suggests we're potentially looking at more communication and navigation disruption.

Predicting and understanding space weather will soon be even more vital than ever before.

There is an increased chance of blackouts due to magnetic currents on the power grids. This also creates more hazards for astronauts traveling through space.

We hope to eventually be able to predict major events on the sun and to evaluate the impact of magnetic particles hitting the earth.

What we have here is a prediction that the cycle is going to be very active, and what we need and what we're of course working on is to be able to predict individual storms with a couple days or hours in advance so the grids can take the action.

This is physics-based research that helps reveal the inner workings of the sun, and the researchers have demonstrated success with their technique. They have gone out on a limb, and their findings may have a huge impact on society.