We're glad we came here. We got a lot of stuff out of this competition. We had some improvements in the short program. In the long, definitely the (U.S. championships) was a lot better, but we're just going to work harder when we get home.

You just keep working on it until you get it.

It felt fantastic, just what I wanted. It's a fantastic feeling.

Our long program at nationals was definitely better than today's, but still it wasn't that bad when we looked at the monitors and saw our elements. I took a hard fall, but I got up and got going and tried to put it behind.

The guy has to track the girl right and throw her right and everything. It is nothing different from a lot of the throws.

It is more complicated because he takes off backward and I have to take off forward.

Forget it. This is not going to work.

It felt fantastic, it worked out exactly how I pictured it.

It just happened to be just the way we wanted -- just the way we pictured that we wanted to do out there. This is a fantastic feeling. As a matter of fact he threw me really, really well so it was a little easier to control up in the air and land.