Shane failed to fulfill the prescribed rehabilitation program scheduled by NASCAR. As a result, Shane has forfeited his opportunity to compete in any NASCAR-sanctioned events.

The rising cost of fuel affects the NASCAR industry the same way it affects everyone else. Whether it's our transportation needs getting from track to track or the impact it has on our fans, there's a price to pay.

We realized that we don't have the kind of stats like other sports do that drive interest from a fan perspective. We wanted to come up with something unique that shows races more at a glance.

We will certainly be monitoring things closely during the tests there.

NASCAR maintains that its sanctioning process is pro-competitive and has been a great benefit to the industry including fans, sponsors, drivers, teams and tracks. On the other hand, the Kentucky Speedway lawsuit, which is seeking a bid system, would likely provide a short-term financial windfall to NASCAR but would be disastrous to the long-term health of the sport.

Everyone knows who won the race, but why did it play out the way it did? The team, drivers and crew chiefs have become the most eager consumers of this data.

We're glad this matter is behind Kurt. I'm sure he's looking forward to the new season just as much as we are.

Mexican flags in the stands would be a great thing. Adrian is an important part for us to raise awareness among minority communities, especially the Hispanic community. His star power makes it easier for us to do that.