People want their leaders to talk about the future. They don't want anger and pessimism and personal attacks. They want a positive vision from leaders looking forward.

For too long, our movement has been a predominantly -- frankly, almost exclusively -- white, evangelical, Republican movement, with a political center of gravity centered in the safety of the suburbs.

We were working to shut down a gambling casino, and I make no apologies.

[While the Bush campaign is] not overconfident ... working hard across the South, including, obviously, in the all-critical state of Florida.

[A: Well, it could be. You never can be absolutely sure. But I think I prove how opinion moved during that last couple weeks over that issue. So then you might say,] Well, how powerful can this group be, if they nearly lost? ... We fought each other to a draw.

[Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition also spoke up for Gingrich, calling the speaker's trip to China a] cause for pride. ... We should not cave to the president's wishes and pass a budget that does not include the most sweeping tax cuts since the Reagan tax cuts of the 1980s. We need tax cuts and we need them now.

The whole 'right to choose' thing -- that is sooo pre-right-wing-takeover!

To help me with some contacts.

Never seen a grassroots organization of this size and scale, a challenger or incumbent. And I believe in a very close election -- and this will be a close election -- it will be one of the factors in a Bush victory.