Proximity talks can be enormously useful. There are people who don't want to talk face to face and who, when they talk face to face, they don't have anything productive to say to each other.

I doubt that very much, I don't think that is what the issue is, and...

We think they are not achieving their objective and in fact the government is extending its authority politically around the country.

We see it that the fight is still on and he knows that.

We see this as, the fight is still on, and he knows that, ... Operationally, our relationship with them is good.

They're good, but ... the Taliban do still exist and they are capable of doing harm.

We hope this will separate them from the extremists.

Maybe he was speaking to his people, who would like to see the violence subside.

We saw three successful elections last year... In that success of those elections, you can see the gravitational pole working on the Sunni Arab population pulling them into the political process.