My Tea is Rich.

Ford didn't really address it because it wanted to do the right thing, ... Ford's addressing it because gas prices are skyrocketing and people are freaking out.

We are proud to be partnering with Danielle Steel. She is recognized globally as a tremendously talented and brilliant author, ... Ms. Steel's image will be instrumental in creating the vision for the brand. She will be personally involved with Elizabeth Arden in all aspects of product development, bringing her elegance, ideas of romance, and passionate personality to her signature line.

Men in flat caps and collarless shirts wander around with a sprig of hawthorn between their teeth, their hands clamped behind them. All you have to do is say "Ah," mingling pity, rage and stoicism in one breath, and everyone within earshot will echo you.

I think the fact that the last Excursion is rolling off the line is a sign of how long Ford waited before it started actually addressing these issues.