Paul Silva
FameRank: 4

"Paul Claude Silva" was a phycology/phycologist, marine biology/marine biologist, and algae/algal taxonomy (biology)/taxonomist considered to be the world's leading expert in the Chlorophyta/Chlorophyte green algal genus, Codium. Silva was also an expert in botanical nomenclature and was an editor of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature's Eighth through Sixteenth International Botanical Congresses. "P.C.Silva" is the standard form to use when citing him as the authority for a botanical name.

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We had one employee who told investigators that he had mentioned concerns to his immediate supervisor in an informal way, and his impression was that the supervisor didn't want to hear about it. He filed no formal report on this and did not call our [ethics hotline], as far as we can tell, nor did the supervisor take any action, as far as we can tell.

This is something we'll stop and do for you so that you can have the same freedom that we have.

If you've never heard of the insurance company, your antennae ought to go up.