If the audience is invested in the characters, I think that season two will be quite a wild ride and in a very different look.

Many will try. Most will fail, and a few will succeed.

By season five the title will be about 30 or 40 words long.

It's the new trend. We were green-lit when 'Lost' came out. It had its big opening night. And I think probably all around town, a number of [serialized] shows were green-lit. And like everything else in this industry, I think that many will try, and most will fail, and a few will succeed.

I thought it was a pretty good idea. It was just a matter of why would anybody do anything that stupid? And why would they believe they could do it?

We're not going to tell you when they break out. There is a larger canvas here, and it's longer than a season. It stretches to two and three.

We spend X amount of time within the actual walls and thereafter we're going to break quite a number of people out and scatter them into the winds and they're going to go to the four corners of the country in planes, trains and automobiles.

We certainly asked that question, and research bore out that, in fact, when you are going to incarcerated, you can make a request through your attorney to be incarcerated in a particular place that's close to your home, your family and friends. Now, the court doesn't have to honor that, but it certainly is a real process. If we didn't have that, then we might not have this show.