Neil Harrison
FameRank: 5

"Neil Harrison" is a British people/British musician and dramatist. He was a founder-member of The Beatles tribute band, The Bootleg Beatles, in which he played John Lennon. He was replaced by Adam Hastings in 2011.

More Neil Harrison on Wikipedia.

I basically whacked them on the nose, which made them release their grip, and then we got out of the place as fast as we could really, before they dogs had a go at us.

It was strange back then, because the Beatles were all alive and there was always the chance they would get back together. There was not as much interest then as there is now.

Possibly their lasting appeal is because music hasn't massively changed since then. People have gradually realized over the years that that probably was the best pop music ever written.

Suddenly the cocktail cabinet closed, we were left to cart our own cases, and the limousine was canceled.