We had no idea the ditch in Crawford had such phenomenal acoustics.

The questions that Cindy Sheehan has for George Bush are now questions for members of Congress and decision-makers across the country. We are not here to make deals with the lives of our children. We will be calling on all decision-makers to bring the troops home now.

There's a momentum building across the country... and we intend for every member of Congress to hear our messages from Camp Casey loud and clear.

We're renting the buses; we're collecting the funding to make it all possible, so this is a grass-roots effort.

There should be no one that died because this war shouldn't have happened and more killing and more death is not helping anything. The occupation of Iraq right now by the U.S. is the problem, it's not the solution.

The best way to support our troops is to bring them home now. They're over there in a war that should never have happened.