Miranda July
FameRank: 6

"Miranda Jennifer July" is an American film director, screenwriter, actor, author and artist. Her body of work includes film, fiction, monologue, digital media presentations, and live performance art. She wrote, directed and starred in the films Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005) and The Future (film)/The Future (2011). Her most recent book, a debut novel The First Bad Man, was published in January 2015.

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As a filmmaker, the last thing you want to do is place kids in emotional or physical jeopardy, ... Especially for me, coming from a place of really loving those kids.

Me and You and Everyone We Know.

The worst thing to me is the limited vocabulary of childhood sexuality. Parents, more than anyone, know their kids are sexual.

There are going to be points of contact. That's just a fact. That it's not inherently bad. In reality, the way that the two worlds interact are often very, very subtle, almost inarticulatable.

I have this audiotape that I made when I was like 6 or 7 that's just one side of a conversation with spaces for me to fill in the rest, ... So, I could play it back and talk to myself. Don't know if that's art, but it was definitely a sort of way of taking care of myself.

I have endless sympathy for (them) because I see myself so much in them.

I wanted to talk about that and show that without having to just have a vocabulary of blame or shame -- to say that it can be both really scary and OK, ... It can also be sad and exciting and even kind of fulfilling. It's really not a good conversation to leave to ped-ophiles. It's much better to actually talk about it without pathology.