Thanks to unique circumstances -- a great deal of disposable income paired with fewer recurring debts -- the teen segment tends to have a much bolder attitude toward spending than does the general population.

The demand, we believe, will reach unprecedented levels today. We have not yet set a peak demand record yet, but we anticipate that today.

Like it or not, there is a very high threshold for what is 'crossing the line' in terms of being overly suggestive. These teens today are exposed to a lot in popular culture.

There is incredible excitement about using imaging.

It's more about being innovative, showing that you have an understanding of consumer needs, ... a loss leader.

When I got the letter, I was ecstatic.

The platform technology companies have performed well in the past year. The investors are quicker to get involved with them because the companies can get near-term revenues for their equipment instead of having to wait years for drug trials to be completed.

We have clear documentation that the line met construction standards under regulations of the state public utility commission.

Cell phones are the lifeline for teenagers. They just can't imagine life without them, ... It's not just a communication device for teens; it's an entertainment device.