You look back and you say you've done everything you can. It doesn't preclude someone from coming forward and enabling it to be done better.

I don't know what's gong to happen. I don't know if the city's going to push the forfeiture action. I don't know if the city's going to file criminal charges.

The basis for content on the Internet is now shifting from text to video. This allows advertisers to take advantage of the kind of branding advertising they are used to on television.

Everyone perceives this as a fire sale right now. It's not viewed as a solid business anymore.

They believe every poker team or pizza parlor would have a political party, but that's not so. Who's going to go through the trouble in the name of vanity?

Is it cross-contamination from the Leahy-Daschle letters? Could've been. Is that the easy way out? Maybe.

It's still open. I'm still concerned about it. I can't sit here and say it will be solved. You leave the book open until it's resolved. When that'll happen, who knows? Sometimes, as in the Kaczynski case, sometimes it takes a break.

These industries are interdependent but very separate. It's very tough for technology companies to become media companies, even though they aspire to become so. And media companies are not about technology. They are at the two ends of the spectrum--they are coming together on one side but are still very separate.