"Michael G. Flood" is an Australian pro-feminist sociologist at the University of Wollongong. Flood gained his PhD/doctorate in gender and sexuality studies from the Australian National University. His areas of research are on violence against women, fathering, pro-feminism, domestic violence, the effects of pornography on young people, safe sex and heterosexual men, men's movements as a backlash to the feminist movement, men's relationships with each other and with women, homophobia, men's health, and gender justice. He is a regular contributor to and is regularly quoted in the media on these and other issues.

Flood is a co-editor of the International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, and the author of numerous academic papers on issues related to men and gender. Flood has also worked as a pro-feminist educator and activist, addressing men's violence against women. He coordinates, edits and contributes to XY, a profeminist men/pro-feminist website providing a range of commentary and research on men and masculinity/masculinities, male sexuality, feminism, the men's movement and male violence from a feminist perspective. He also coordinates The Men's Bibliography, an online collection of over 22,000 works on men, masculinities, and gender.

More Michael Flood on Wikipedia.

These groups claim domestic violence is gender-equal, ... The research shows these claims are false. We need to reject myths pushed by fathers' rights groups as they try to change family law.

I was afraid the Australia Institute's push would lead people to forget the other part of the argument, which is defending adults rights to this material.