I've never felt such exhilarating highs and dispiriting lows than those experienced when we first detected the signal from the GBT, indicating 'all's well' and then discovering that we had no signal at the operations center, indicating 'all's lost, ... The truth, as we have now determined, lies somewhat closer to the former than the latter.

Our biggest problem is that the state of Connecticut's reimbursement has consistently lagged behind the cost of patient care on a day-to-day basis. It's a large gap that the diocese has filled to deliver a superior level of health care to our residents. But we simply do not have enough capital resources to keep up.

It basically takes the 'block' out of the block grant concept.

They were so apologetic. They said, 'You guys have a great program and a great facility.' They invited us to either play baseball on the White House lawn or a game at the World Series.

We want to get as many people as possible out there. We're working with the city to make this a special event for the kids.