Mark Ritchie
FameRank: 4

"Donald Mark Ritchie" is a Minnesota politician and a former Minnesota Secretary of State. Ritchie was elected the 21st List of secretaries of state of Minnesota/Minnesota Secretary of State on November 7, 2006. He was re-elected in 2010. He is a member of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party/Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party. He grew up in Iowa, and graduated from Iowa State University in 1971. He and his wife, Nancy Gaschott, have lived in Minneapolis since 1986.

More Mark Ritchie on Wikipedia.

The war and budget [issues] have pushed people to be more politicized.

The most important thing for me is knocking on doors and standing shoulder to shoulder [with other Democrats].

The idea is to come up with a concept in a time frame that Iron County can incorporate in its long-term planning.

So it turns out an only private-land preserve wasn't going to be able to meet legal (standards). The only thing that seems to work is a combination of public and private lands.

We have created our new packaging to make a stronger connection with our cherry flavor and to stake out our claim as the original cherry-flavored soda.

He usually went to the high-end club. Party boy. Big party boy.