Nobody felt that they were threatened by foreign terrorists until Sept. 11.

There's been a migration of vessels that carry other types of cargo to the gasoline tanker market.

I think we'll be the beneficiary of getting a look.

Maps encourage boldness. They're like cryptic love letters. They make anything seem possible.

[They started training in September and received advice from doctors, chefs and coaches. A few weeks ago, they ran 20 miles through Harlem and the Bronx with former marathon star Alberto Salazar.] People were screaming, 'Puffy keep going!' ... It was such a motivating environment.

I don't know if it's instinct or what, but he always wants to be able to see you. That's just the way he is.

With the crowd out there and the motivation with charity and people being behind him, he will definitely finish. Even if he has to crawl, he is going to finish.

This means that the Kenya Wildlife Service organisation believes Meru is safe.

This was a statement to the country that the Kenya Wildlife Service organization believes Meru is safe.