"Mark Berman" is a New York City pianist, composer, producer, conductor, music director and arranger.

More Mark Berman on Wikipedia.

Is it an uphill battle? Absolutely. But important principles are stake.

It's no secret that the company has been trying to resolve this matter for some time for its own business reasons.

I've seen a lot of tenants, even law firms, typically the most conservative, going for these types of buildings.

He's done great work over the past years in public education and conservation for sharks. We support his effort and he should continue. He is hard working, very knowledgeable about his issue and fisheries in general.

Rather than providing due process, the government has chosen a forum in which they can deny the defendant his constitutional rights, not the least of which is right to counsel.

I am skeptical that their decision is a response to new information, as opposed to legal developments in the case.

From the consumer's point of view they don't care about the technology. All they care about is whether the quality of service is good, the price is right and the applications are interesting.

It's not true, and it's never been established by any evidence that's been provided certainly to us or in a court of law. What we're trying to obtain on his behalf is an opportunity to confront whatever evidence the government has so we can, in fact, establish that he is not what the president says he is.

Without basis, without charge, without access to counsel, and without being afforded any process by which he might challenge his designation and detention.