"Marian Salzman" is an Americans/American advertising and public relations executive. She is CEO of Havas PR North America and chairs the Global Collective, the organizing collaborative of all of the PR assets of Havas. She rejoined Euro RSCG in August 2009, having previously worked for the holding company as executive vice president, chief strategic officer, from January 2001 to October 2004.

More Marian Salzman on Wikipedia.

The content is as important as the shopping opportunity.

Even teens are less interested in going to the mall.

There is a straight (heterosexual) man who embraced a mention of femininity. He responded to those marketing messages but ultimately had a reaction that's pushed him back to traditional masculinity.

They are confident, masculine, stylish, and committed to uncompromising quality in all areas of life.

It's time for guys to stop apologizing about being guys. You can take a gourmet cooking class or have a Labrador retriever and still have a standing poker game with your male friends.

[One trend-watcher sees it this way:] Gore we can manage is very much on fad right now, as we feel the increasing need to become familiar with bad things -- bad things that don't get the best of us, ... I think it's also why we love our crime television. While the solutions are not as black and white as the days of 'Dragnet,' there is still a sense that good will beat evil in those shows.

This is going to be very sophisticated . . . consumer sleuthing, ... The degree of intelligence that you can compile this way is really mind-boggling.

Men are getting more vain. There's more pressure to look young and sexy. Even young boys are waxing their bodies to be hairless.