Lisa Foster
FameRank: 4

"Lisa Raines Foster" (born 1964) is a Canadian television and movie actress, film director/director, visual effects artist and animation Film producer/producer. She is tall. She was the star of the hit film, Fanny Hill.

More Lisa Foster on Wikipedia.

This is awesome and has never been offered in Murfreesboro. The teacher is outstanding. Students will be learning about clowning, makeup techniques, the history of clowning and clown costuming. The cost is $50 and $25 of that is for a makeup kit.

It's an annual challenge event. They have a good rivalry going. It should be a fun event for people to watch.

There is a beginning bridge class on Thursdays at 9 a.m.. It goes for six or eight weeks. Call the center to see if there is any space available.