What research is suggesting is that certain scents, like vanilla, may actually reduce or calm your appetite, as well as mint. Mint makes you feel very alert.

Everything runners do is about how well we recover. That's when the gains from training come.

An athlete with disordered eating doesn't see food as fuel that helps build her body but as calories and fat. In their world, food has become a four-letter word. When they start asking if ketchup has sugar in it, I know we are in trouble.

There is sometimes a placebo effect when it comes to bottled waters. You feel that you're doing something special for yourself.

Either with expert advice or by evaluating your own personal needs.

It's been nine to 12 hours since you've had a meal.

Pleasure, or slow eating, is about savoring every bite that you take. And, so, that it's really enjoying the food, really making it a holistic experience.

I'm not sure without a personal formula from a nutrition expert that you could really guarantee any kind of weight or fat loss.