We certainly welcome anyone into this race, but the frank reality is when it comes to changing Pennsylvania, Lynn Swann is the clear choice today and will be in November.

We'll let the voters make the determination about the impact of this. It's unlikely he'll eat into our base. Lynn Swann is Western Pennsylvania.

It speaks to the fact that today's Democratic Party is so out of the mainstream, it has moved so far left, that a senator who just 12 years ago supported a then-centrist Democrat -- Bill Clinton -- is unable to support today's Democratic nominee. It also speaks to the strength of the president.

The lieutenant governor is a man of his word. He will fulfill his commitment to deliver a memo on the subject, and it would be disappointing for anyone to play politics on this issue.

Ours is not a race to compete dollar for dollar with Ed Rendell. Ours is a race to ensure that we have the necessary funds to mount the most competitive race possible.