Web analytics, CRM, it all comes from direct marketing. Online marketers think they invented it, but they didn't. [Direct marketers] hold the primary skill sets, but they don't know they're sitting in the catbird seat.

I always found it ironic that media people were low man on the totem pole, and yet they handled all the money. That's where things can go wrong in a big way.

[Another shift in perception surrounds the specialization of knowledge.] In the early nineties, I went from being a generalist - Campbell's Soup kind of stuff - to focusing on high tech, ... Headhunters said, 'Don't do that, you'll put a cap on your career.' Old school advertising could be very surface-y. You didn't have to do a lot of research for a 30-second commercial.

People are too darn myopic about making money and they get disappointed fast. If they haven't sold enough flowers they say: 'I'm out of here.'

You know what I told those doctors? ... I told them [forget] you, I'm going to see my grandsons play in the opener against Baylor.

The cancer is terminal, and it's going to take him, ... We have to keep his spirits up. Just to have my father every day is a blessing to all of us.

It's much harder, and you have to know more. Now, it's cool to do that.

We build our own stuff a lot. I've seen a lot of changes down through the years.

The agencies, in a large way, have realized it's about money. You want to optimize the media spend as much as possible across the board.