We got there, her mother said she could run it, and then we missed the 300.

If she jumps as well as she did this weekend she may pull it off.

She's strong, very muscular. She has a good start. She has a drive for it. She works hard.

She's got a hamstring that's nagging, but she hasn't pulled it or anything. I think she's back to 100 percent, but mentally she doesn't think she is.

I think if we had set it up a little differently we would have won it.

I don't know what's going on with them. My coaches and I are talking about it. They cry a lot, they whine.

She's getting close to her goal. Her goal is to break 7. She's getting closer to breaking her goal.

It's not pulled. It's more of a nagging injury. We don't want her to risk getting it worse in the shorter sprint where there could be more pressure on it. She says she's going into it [300] to win.

Nothing real hard. Kind of started out slow the beginning of the season, first week.