I'm on the edge of my seat waiting to see what the numbers will look like. The numbers should be strong but investors are all a little edgy here.

The big tech stocks are still where you have to be but I don't want to go overweight tech.

IBM just doesn't give me the performance I'm looking for in tech.

How much did EA have to spend to get these contracts? If you're giving away the farm to make this work, it's not worth it.

Microsoft has to do something to start growing again and I think the only way to do that is to buy companies. It's still a great company but it's stuck in the sand.

I don't see anything that's unhealthy with Dell's strategy, ... The problem with the consumer business is the margin issue. Profits can be a whole lot tighter than with the corporate business.

[Fuqua thinks Microsoft could do something really bold with its cash. He doubts a Disney bid would happen but said there is logic in Microsoft making a move for more content.] Microsoft needs to shock the world right now, ... The market is waiting for it.

This is just another sign that the economy is stronger than people expect. It's great news for bigger technology companies like Dell.

That's all great for shareholder morale but long-term, it's not a benefit to Microsoft. With the amount of cash they have, they need to do something with that to increase growth.