If this purchase helps UPS to continue to successfully compete in the global marketplace in the long run, it will increase our members' job security.

Fighting corruption and keeping the mob out of our union and their hands out of our pension funds.

My opponent has a familiar name, ... (But) if he were named Smith or Jones and said, 'I want to be president of the Teamsters and I've never negotiated a contract' ... he would be laughed out of the hall.

This is going to be a grass-roots campaign, run at the plant gates and in the barn.

It never enters my mind, unless someone calls and has something they'd like to write about it. And every once in a while I'll get a piece of mail, asking me to sign something.

You can't start too early with the young ones to let that message really get inculcated into them and let 'em understand how they can be a part of change.

A lot of issues around violence that need to be addressed and then the family can come together and talk it through but it really takes hold.

I was very glad they played their football in California and not Texas, because they would have been compared to me.

UPS claims to have made a final offer, ... The fact is the last offer that UPS has put on the table does not address all of the serious issues.