"Kenneth Wayne Brewer" was an United States/American poet and longtime scholar who resided in Utah, where he served as Poet Laureate. Born in Indianapolis, Indiana, he attended Butler University and Western New Mexico University in the 1960s, then earned a master's degree in English literature from New Mexico State University, followed by a Ph.D. from the University of Utah, where he worked with Pulitzer Prize winner Henry S. Taylor/Henry Taylor, in 1973. Since that time he has taught a wide variety of courses at Utah State University, concentrating on mentoring creative writers at the graduate level, while publishing prolifically and speaking extensively. He died after a nine-month battle with pancreatic cancer.

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Every county should have resolutions like this to put pressure on the governor. Overall, we are disappointed with the lack of leadership Pataki has shown in the matter. It creates a huge financial shortfall.

Running is not going to be the hard part for him. It's the strategy.

We have been battling the Nation for the past 13 years and I have a feeling that the Bureau of Indian Affairs is not going to listen to us.

He's either working or running or at school.

You can't buy that kind of coaching experience.