"Julie Phillips" is a writer who writes about books, film, and culture. In early adulthood she became interested in feminism. Her articles have appeared in Newsday, Mademoiselle (magazine)/Mademoiselle, The Village Voice, and elsewhere. Her biography of James Tiptree, Jr., titled James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon, won the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Hugo Award for Best Related Book, and the 2007 Washington State Book Award for History/Biography.

She currently lives with her husband and two children in Amsterdam, where she is a book critic for the daily newspaper Trouw.

More Julie Phillips on Wikipedia.

I hit with her every day, and she forces me to stay at the top of my game. We push each other further.

Every little bit of interaction helps. This is great. It's cool to see students and neighbors talking to each other, actually working together in the community.

I've developed my own passion for them. I decided I wanted to be as good at both as I could be.