Josh Freed
FameRank: 4

"Josh Freed" is a Canada/Canadian writer, director and actor.

He has won two Chris Awards for Best North American Current Affairs Documentary. In Canada, Freed has been nominated for three Gemini Awards, three Writers Guild of Canada Awards and a Genie Award.

He writes a weekly humour column in The Gazette (Montreal)/The Gazette. He received two National Newspaper Awards for best Canadian columnist in 1997 and 2002.

More Josh Freed on Wikipedia.

If this is the frenzy now, what's it going to be like the last week of December?

If the 'millennium bug' has any truth, you're counting down 10-9-8 to zero and at the moment you scream, 'Happy new year!' or 'Happy millennium!' the lights all over the planet will go out.

You'll find yourself crawling around in the dark eating canned tuna on your living room floor and not knowing where the champagne bottle has gone. You know, freezing in the middle of winter, you won't have any heat -- a hell of a way to celebrate your millennium.

It was clear to me that reality was catching up with satire so fast that somebody might read this essay on how to have the December 31 baby and obey it.

[The book also includes a segment on] How to be the first death of the millennium. ... quite a legal warning.