John Tsang
FameRank: 4

"John Tsang Chun-wah", Grand Bauhinia Medal/GBM, Justice of the Peace/JP, is the current Financial Secretary (Hong Kong)/Financial Secretary (FS) of Hong Kong. His responsibility is to assist the Chief Executive of Hong Kong in overseeing policy formulation and implementation in financial, monetary, economic, trade and employment matters. He exercises control over the Exchange Fund, with the assistance of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority/Monetary Authority. He is a member of the Executive Council of Hong Kong/Executive Council. In an annual budget speech, he outlines the move to any Appropriation Bill.

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Hong Kong would do its best for achieving tangible progress in the upcoming Sixth Ministerial Conference (MC6) of the World Trade organization (WTO) and most ministers promised to play a more active role.

I have placed development issues at the top of the agenda right from the outset, and I would like to see an early harvest of the key development issues at the ministerial this week, or at least see that we have made substantial progress in resolving them.

We were determined to demonstrate our competence as Asia's world city by tackling whatever challenges the conference threw up, both inside and outside the venue.