Many Temple students came, ... We didn't even have to recruit them. They just came to help.

We're going to do the best we can to make protesters welcome, just as we will make the delegates welcome.

We're going to take them to the Liberty Bell, ... We're going to take them to football games and baseball games.

I think they've been unfairly treated, ... You don't need to be in the Superdome, you look at the television and you can see it.

This could be the greatest natural disaster in our country's history. We need a response commensurate with that.

This is the cradle of democracy. This is the greatest city, we think, in the country. And we're going to do the best we can to make protesters welcome, just as we will make the delegates welcome, ... This country has a rich tradition in allowing people to say what they have to say.

If you're not hyper, then things just aren't worth it. I love Orlando Bloom!

We have to keep in mind that the police were in the process of apprehending a criminal suspect who had resisted a number of attempts to arrest him and who had shot a police officer.