As of late last night, we have been in all parts of the city, ... We have liberated the city of Falluja.

We feel we've broken their back and their spirit.

We have not even put the word out to the Iraqi people. We're going to hold that till right down to the bitter end to ensure that the enemy does not have much time at all if, in fact, they decide the plan against those positions.

Is being held hostage by mugs, thugs, murderers and intimidators.

The enemy is broken.

It's our goal to make polling places available so that the preponderance of that approximately 500,000 would in fact have the opportunity, ... It will be safe. It will be secure.

Let me make it perfectly clear: We follow the law of armed conflict, and we hold ourselves to a high standard of accountability.

We don't know where [al-Zarqawi] is right now, ... Maybe he's dead; we don't know. But we never focused on him. We focused on ... reinstating the rule of law, which we are in the process of doing, and giving Falluja back to the Fallujan people, which will come fairly soon.

All they need is for us to give them the opportunity to break the back of that intimidation, ... Go out and stomp it out where it needs to be stomped. And then the sun will come through.