We certainly want to help get the processions to their destinations; however, we shouldn't do it at the risk of safety.

I know we come across looking like the bad guys, but we're looking for a safer way to get a funeral procession from Point A to Point B without getting somebody hurt or killed, ... I think everybody is motivated to see things fixed, and I do believe we're going to be able to come up with some workable protocol.

I don't see it as a necessity to run them.

It's really worrying. The tourists will stay away.

It seemed like it was just getting ready to lift off and it felt like we hit something. And the next thing you know the whole plane was shaking and sliding. It burst into flames right next to me; the whole carriage started to slip. Then it slid to a stop. There were flames everywhere and smoke everywhere.

I'll just pass up my six-pack and silly little things like that. But it does cut into what you're going to buy at the grocery store because we need to get around. We have to function.

We don't want to put them out of business, but we owe a duty to the public to ensure we're making it safe.

The whole plane was shaking and ... and then it split in half. There was flames everywhere, ... I ran to the door. It was stuck and I hit the door with my shoulder and it popped open.

Lots of people have come in here and asked me whether it is safe to go to the Eiffel Tower. This is really hurting the city's image.