We had our Cup day on a Saturday during the Sydney Olympics and it was an enormous success.

The amount of government funding has not been keeping up with costs of providing higher education, which is why colleges have to cut back on professors' salaries.

What we've found is there is a continuing disruption for women.

We're trying to do some things with his delivery that are a little uncomfortable for him. We're trying to get his arm a little higher so he can go through the ball a little better.

[Several events have been planned on the sidelines of the exhibition; in a 3-day conference held from 29 September-1October, 250 people participated, among whom 40 presented essays and 5 to 6 were Iranians.] The seminar, I hope, reveals some results of studies on Achaemenid religions, administration, and military affairs, ... though there is not any speech on the languages of the era.

He's a competitor all right. That's what distinguishes him as a pitcher and that's going to help in the years to come.

We are the ecological choice. These trees are biodegradable, grown as a crop. We're not going into the forest and taking down trees. They are grown specifically for this purpose, as you would grow corn to eat.

We have a lot of reports from part-time faculty who tell us that they are very concerned that if they say something controversial, or if they are too hard on the students, they won't be rehired.

He's a person who is very receptive to learning. Sometimes guys who sign for that kind of money are resistant to change. They're afraid to stop doing what has made them successful.