It's a great loss.

[Cardinal Pell accused schools with critical literacy programs of trying to turn students into] agents of social change ... George Pell should not be afraid of students being agents of social change -- we should all be that, and one thing the syllabus should be teaching children is to be critical.

We get some resistance to rentals because Longfellow residents can't imagine who would want to come into this neighborhood to rent.

When I was mixing the album I was just cheering it on, ... I was actually getting to put myself in a position of observation of listening to the band, watching it, experiencing it probably closer to a fan thing than I've ever had the ability to do, or that I've ever let myself do. And I was just like, yeah, George is getting it on. And that's what you want for anybody's performance.

I think everyone is entitled to our heritage and should not be denied it. It is elitist not to teach it, to say someone is not good enough or smart enough.

We know what the canon is, and people can argue whether you should study F. Scott Fitzgerald or D.H. Lawrence ... I probably would put Shakespeare right in the middle - on that, George Pell and I agree.

The site was meant to be fun and quirky.

I do not think students should have to read a select number of classics.

If we were just song in and song out, we'd go bananas, ... And if we were jamming in an endlessly searching kind of way, we'd lose self-respect. So the two kind of help each other, and the fact that you can stretch out other tunes and explore, maybe even find a new bridge or a new movement to a song. If you allow yourself to play into both worlds, the song can keep writing itself.