How can we continue to improve Park City as a product in comparison to other resort towns . . . .

I knew Corky from the time we were kids.

Steven will relish the bit of extra responsibility.

I don't think in retrospect that it had much of a political impact one way or the other.

In this off-year, when there are no elections, to have so many people, especially young people, here is a great sign.

We took a fair bit of stick after the first two games and, to be honest, we were very critical of ourselves too because those performances simply weren't good enough. We were a lot better today but having said that, there were quite a few things I didn't like, such as dropping nine balls into the Galway goalkeeper's hands.

Our staff understands that The Cove will be friendly, fun and the cleanest ballpark in America. We want people that some here to have a world-class experience. We can do that with the right attitude and a clear sense of expectations.